Follow Your Star.
“Follow Your Star” Book by Graham Sale
We all shine in different ways. Margo is a creative little girl who lives in New York City. Follow her as she searches for her passion. Her mother is a ballerina, so Margo takes ballet lessons. But she is too much of a free spirit for the strict discipline of ballet. Joined by her best friend, her dog Donia, Margo tries all sorts of things. Many she enjoys, but nothing ignites a passion in her and she is disappointed.
Her mother tells her not to worry, “We all shine in different ways. You will know when you’ve found your star. It will be something that stirs a passion in you the way dancing does in me. It will excite you and you will think about it all the time. Listen to your heart it will tell you when you’ve found your star—it may even find you.”
One day, Margo’s friend, Emma, introduces her to something that stirs her heart—Margo has discovered her passion, the thing that makes her shine. Best of all, it makes other people feel shiny—and that makes her feel even shiner!